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Database publishing on the Internet

1. Create your database.

If your database is going to be used by people who aren't familiar with the layout you have chosen, you should consider creating help files for your databases. See Help Point 550 for details.

2. Set up security.

You may want to control who sees your data: perhaps only members of your organisation should be allowed to do so, or only people who have paid a subscription. You may also want to allow some people to see your data and others to be able to make changes, then you need to set up some user profiles. This is a standard Cardbox feature, and you can read all about it in the Cardbox Book. You can choose to have a default profile, without a password, that gives limited access (eg. read-only) to users who do not have a password; or you can arrange for a password to be required before anyone at all can access your database. You could also charge a subscription for access: Help Point 585 describes how to do this.

3. Decide where to put your database.

Your database needs to be on a machine that is permanently connected to the Internet (unless, of course, you want it to be accessible only during office hours).  You have several choices:

4. Put the database there.

How you get the database onto the machine that runs the Cardbox Server depends on the circumstances.  If the computer is on your own network then you will be able to copy files; or you may use the same sort of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program that you already use to upload your Web pages; or you may create an empty database on the Cardbox Server and then use Tools > Management > Upload to replace it with the database and format file that you have created.

5. Tell everyone how to access it.

Create a Web page that describes your database and that has a link to the database itself (for people who already have the Cardbox client) and a link to the Cardbox Client download page so that people who do not have the Cardbox Client can download it.

Please tell us about your database and give us a simple description in a form that we can put on our Public Internet Databases page.

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